Why isn’t convenience always best for kids? We all know that too much comfort will ruin the future of your child. However, why is that so? You see, sooner or later, we must come out of our comfort zone and into the real world to cope with careers, studies, family, expectations, etc. So, if children are not used to it, then they will never get used to it as they grow up. That’s where we need something that prepares our children with skills, confidence, and overall growth and development.
Why Isn’t Convenience Always Best for Kids?
Wondering why children need to be more free? Then we will tell you why. To keep their children safe and happy, parents often overprotect them. However, they ignore how dangerous it is for the future of their little ones.
1. Doesn’t Prepare for Future Struggle
As we mentioned before, sooner or later, we must come out of our comfort zone and into the real world. On the other hand, children who are not used to being independent find it hard to struggle as they grow up.
2. Afraid to Think for Themselves
Children who are used to a more than required comfortable life feel self-doubt when making a decision themselves. This is because their parents made most of the choices for them.
3. They Don’t Succeed Outside Comfort Zone
Children who are used to the convenient life don’t succeed in the real world. Because let’s face it. We all know that the real world will not provide you with any kind of comfort. That’s the hardships of life.
4. Everyone Outsmarts Them
Related to the self-doubt factor, it’s easy to outsmart people who were used to a comfortable life throughout their childhood. For instance, during a job interview, other people can demoralize candidates who have self-doubt.
5. Learning New Skills Becomes Hard
When we are children, there are no responsibilities (let us tell you that going to school, homework, studies, and exams are not real responsibilities). Also, the mind is young and budding. So it’s easy to learn new skills. However:
- During this time, if your children are given too much comfort, they will grow up thinking that life is easy.
- However, when struggling in their career, they will realize the hard truth.
- At that time, though, learning and perfecting a new skill will add to their problems because of the new responsibilities. Also, there will be a lack of time to do so.
6. Children Become Lazy
The biggest problem with living a convenient and comfortable childhood is getting into the habit of laziness, which will never get you any success.
Read Also: The Role of After-School Programs in Enhancing Your Child’s Creativity and Interests
How Beneficial are School Annex Programs for Children?
Annexes are buildings that are not a part of the main school premises but are connected to it. These are spaces where children go to get some extracurricular activities, including:
- Games
- Sports
- Fun activities
- Help with academics
However, since these are a part of school only, you can expect some form of intervention, which is not good for children. Plus, these programs also provide limited facilities to children. Overall, the point is that there is still more than enough comfort for children here.
7 Reasons Why After-School Programs the Best Choices for Child Development

At after-school programs, children not only have fun but also learn new skills, which are important for success in the future. That, too, without any intervention, which makes them independent and confident. Other than that, there are also many other benefits of after-school programs.
1. Encourages Learning
Children are encouraged to learn at after-school programs. They are always inspired to never give up and always keep trying. This mindset sticks with them even when they are adults, helping them succeed.
As it is said that we should never stop learning, this inspiration to learn continuously and regularly is best for kids. |
2. Makes Children Confident
By being away from parents after school for a long time, children become more confident. This confidence helps a lot in the future to stick to one decision and don’t let others manipulate into changing choices.
3. Makes Kids Independent
Children become more independent than ever at after-school academies. This is due to no interruptions from parents and/or other adults in the family.
- Caregivers and teachers at the academies only supervise and don’t intervene.
- Children get used to this level of freedom and try to do everything themselves, even at home.
4. Prepares for the Future
At after-school programs, children start learning the essential skills required to succeed in the future from an early age. After-school academies include fun and learning activities in:
- Languages (such as Spanish and Hindi)
- Art and craft
- Lego robotics
- Music
- Dancing
- Singing
This way, children learn a lot of skills required to succeed in the future. Furthermore, children also receive help doing homework and in academics for overall growth and development. Furthermore, children also learn many new skills required for future success, such as teamwork via team sports and group activities.
5. Enhances Creativity
You may have skills. However, without creativity, you will only go so far. As grown-ups, it’s hard for us to learn to think out of the box. However, children can learn this skill quickly as their minds are still young and growing.
6. Promotes a Healthy Living
Children get healthy snacks and food at after-school programs. Plus, they play a lot of sports, like running around. What this does is:
- Promotes a fit and healthy living.
- Children keep this habit even after growing up.
- They live a more energetic life in the future and have no issues carrying bags while traveling. This opens more job opportunities as they can even do jobs that require frequent moving and travel.
- Who knows, your kid might become the next sports champion in the future.
7. Teaches Politeness
At after-school programs, children are taught to express themselves freely. However, they are also taught to be polite while doing it. This is a very important habit in life, which ensures:
- You make and keep long-lasting friendships.
- People are nice to you, and you are nice to people.
- You can look up to anyone for help when needed, and they will help you because kindness always goes a long way.
Read Also: 10 Life Skills Kids Learn at Summer Camp That Last a Lifetime
Choose Long-Term Child Development Over Convenience at KidSmart Academy
Enrolling your children at KidSmart Academy not only gives them the best fun learning experience but also ensures that they are ready for the future.
The experienced and loving supervisors, teachers, and caregivers at the academy take complete responsibility for the growth and development of your kids. So you can work worry-free. The after-school program provides:
- Pick up from and drop at home facility.
- Healthy snacks and meals.
- Fun learning without intervention. Only the best guidance.
- Complete safety of children without overprotection.
- Homework and academic help.
- Memorable summer camps that prepare children with practical life skills.
Now we know why convenience isn’t always best for kids and hope that you also understand the importance of letting your children free without overprotection and over-comfort. To conclude, we can say that there are many disadvantages to having too much convenience during childhood. It makes the chances of success in the future almost zero. You see, kids must be prepared for the future, and enrolling in an after-school program does it in the best way possible, which is through fun learning. At KidSmart Academy, this is made even better with a unique curriculum with added summer camps and more.